Why Do You Smile?
Why Do You Smile?
May 24, 2001.
It was while I was working on a long 4 hour flight home to San Diego, when a young man walked up to the front galley where I was working. He awkwardly stood around for a few moments, and finally asked, “Why do you smile so much? My friend and I can’t help but notice your permanent smile.” I thought this was a cool question and responded, “Do you really want to know?” He answered, “It’s God”.
“Yes! I’ve never had so much peace in my life until I met Him.” I responded with excitement.
He then mentioned three people had just told him the very same thing. When I heard God was divinely sending people across his path, I looked into his face and knew God was chasing after his soul. I asked this man if he needed God’s peace. A shadow cast over his face, as he shared with a heavy heart that his wife committed suicide just 2 weeks ago, and he was on his way home from the funeral. He continued to explain how he was truly suffering with the pain from it all. As he spoke, he held tightly to her last note in his coat pocket. My heart cried with him. I touched his shoulder and reassured him, “You are not alone, God is here with you and He will help you.” Those words seemed not enough to me, but when I offered my church address and their phone number he received it gratefully. I explained, “You may not understand this now, but Jesus loves you and understands your pain.”
I knew God had divinely arranged my appointment with Norbert. I was so moved and touched God would trust me with a heart so broken. I prayed and poured out my heart to my beautiful loving Savior for this man. I added Norbert’s name on “His Soul Canvas.” Save him Jesus!
June 14, 2001.
God allowed me to witness a beautiful miracle Wednesday night at church. I was sitting in my pew as Pastor Ray Bentley gave an altar call at the end of service, and while I glanced across the church, I saw a familiar face get up from his seat and walk forward to receive Jesus as his personal Savior. It was Norbert! As he made his way down to the altar, I watched his tear streaked face, bow and pray to receive Jesus into his heart. I prayed with him from my seat, and rejoiced that He now belonged to Jesus.