Soul Food
Soul Food
Revelation is the climactic bookend to the Word of God declaring a blessing to both reader and hearer of this prophetic awe-inspiring Biblical book. Ah the blessing, what a blessing – the hope of the weary, the broken hearted, the…
Matthew 3:17 “And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. The Trinity. The Father loved the Son. The Son…
No matter your circumstances, God’s love never changes. The cross, the death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection are God’s final, total, and complete expression of His love for you. Never allow your heart to question God’s love; even if…
Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone ~ to have a deep soul relationship with another ~ to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. God says, “No, not until you are satisfied and fulfilled and content with living loved by…
No matter your circumstances, God’s love never changes. The cross, the death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection are God’s final, total, and complete expression of His love for you. Never allow your heart to question God’s love; even if…
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the…
August 16, 2010 For our vacation, my beloved husband and I had decided we would celebrate my nephew’s tenth birthday by camping in Yosemite. If you desire to see God’s land, visit this glorious place; everywhere your eye travels, His…
My Divine romance will be different than your story. God has such a vast imagination in His design for each one of us. Who we are as a person determines how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, according to…
Alone…just speaking the word is painful. Alone; the deep aches within the heart you wish God would remove. Alone at night as the tears stream down your cheeks as you struggle to sleep, hoping and praying when you wake, God…
“As in water face reflects face, so a man’s heart reveals the man” Proverbs 27:19 A torn heart condition with Jesus is a very dangerous place to be. It means you are not surrendering your whole heart to Jesus. If…
Dedicated to Terry Shiotanni As my six-month commitment to no dating came to an end, a certain gentleman knew about my wait, and was looking forward to asking me out. Actually, he asked if I would be interested in courting…
Dedicated to Nancy Bayless I still wonder at times why the Lord blessed me with such a special woman as Nancy Bayless. Just knowing her for the short time I did forever impacted my life. She was a storyteller and…
Wisdom to remember Vicki, a mentor and my pastor’s wife at Maranatha Chapel passed on some wisdom I believe is worth sharing. She had a wonderful gift of placing me “in the moment” of special stories in God’s word. It…
Dedicated to DAGOH-Daughters after God’s own heart I believe in the church family, as God desires us to be linked together with unity and accountability. We would see fewer problems in the church today if we had fewer “lone rangers”…
Pastor Glenn Hirashiki God revealed a powerful lesson to me through a wise humble soul, Pastor Glenn. I watched years of this amazing pastor quietly, sometimes silently lead his flock. He was an example of patience in my life. His…
Dedicated to Pastor Ray Bentley It’s funny sometimes, the way God chooses to answer our prayers. When I first moved to San Diego I had no idea as to what church the Lord wanted me to attend. I visited four…
This is dedicated to my mother It was 1956, in Anchorage, Alaska when my mother at the age of twenty-eight, received the Lord as her personal Savior in the hallway of her apartment. At the time, my sister Wendy was…
It was a cold January morning during my devotion time with the Lord, that He touched my heart and taught me something I had frequently overlooked in reading Romans 8. I sat in front of the warm fire and prayed…
By Henry and Richard Blackaby Have you ever wondered if it’s God’s voice or it’s just your imagination when you think you’re hearing from the Lord? Do you ever wonder if God speaks to His people today? Will He reveal…
When the cloud remained…the Israelites…did not set out. (Numbers 9:19) This was the ultimate test of obedience. It was relatively easy to fold up their tents when the fleecy cloud slowly gathered over the tabernacle, and began to majestically float…
By Jon Courson “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. “Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took…
Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Marks of a changed person-made alive by Christ. His life now…