He Is Far Too Unique To Recreate The Same Story
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He Is Far Too Unique To Recreate The Same Story

My Divine romance will be different than your story. God has such a vast imagination in His design for each one of us. Who we are as a person determines how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, according to our own unique personalities and idiosyncrasies. So there is no formula or carbon copy in how God operates in your life verses my own, His children are each a beautiful creation. He knows each one has a unique and distinct personality. He made us to be different, unique in the ways we act and react. God respects the differences that exist, and deals with us according to our needs and according to who we are and how we respond. He knows who you are, and He also knows how to reach your heart. Stop and pay attention.

Or better yet, be still and know He is God (Psalms 46:10). Then watch as He unfolds “your” Divine romance; He is so very personal, He knows how to speak to your heart personally.

Testimonies are exciting, thrilling, and beneficial to other souls who hear them, they only become harmful when a person imagines the the same things should have or will happen to them. Our Lord is a diverse Lord and He deals with each of us as individuals. God loves you individually and He deals with you individually, according to your own temperament and characteristics. How glorious it is that God can and does deal with each of us personally and individually! This is the way God designed it! That’s why it’s important you avoid such thoughts as, “If it’s not a certain way, it must not be God or worse yet; God loves one person more or less then another”. It is dangerous to think if your experiences aren’t a certain way, than His love isn’t as genuine. Let’s expect Him to be different in our lives and those we love as well. Let us try not to confine God to a pattern of our own but may we just let God be God, and let Him be sovereign and move as He wills. I love hearing testimonies, how wonderfully unique the experiences are of a loving Savior after His bride, but I have also learned not to look at the glow of the experience rather than on Jesus!