God Loves You
God Loves You
No matter your circumstances, God’s love never changes. The cross, the death of Jesus Christ, and His resurrection are God’s final, total, and complete expression of His love for you. Never allow your heart to question God’s love; even if you’ve never experienced love from a father, mother, a man, or any other person, you may be certain God loves you! May you desire to know and experience Him, for He loves you unconditionally. Let this speak clearly to your heart. He created you and has been pursuing you in this love relationship. Every encounter He has with you is an expression of His love for you.
God would cease to be God if He expressed Himself in any way other than perfect love!! His love for you is perfect!!! Accept His unconditional love which was settled on the cross, as He created you to have a love relationship with Him. This love relationship with God is more important than any other single factor in your life. God pursues a continuing love relationship with you which is real and personal. God is inviting you to become intimate with Him…this is His goal. He’s the true lover of your soul. No one on the face of this earth can ever love you the way He loves you. Stop looking for love everywhere else; as you will never find it. Everyone else is searching for the true meaning of love, but only God is love, He is the answer. We strive to express love towards others, and usually fail in supplying it sufficiently. This is because we are fallen creatures battling with our flesh daily so as not to sin or be consumed with selfishness. God just loves. Unconditional. God is love. God loves you. Period.
He also desires all of your heart! This is actually the heart-cry of God expressed throughout the Bible. Here’s a question: If you were standing before God, could you say to Him that you love Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength?
I read a story about a young lady who was experiencing difficulties in her personal life, family, work, and in the church. At one point she became extremely angry and stormed out of a room. It was obvious her life was filled with anger. Soon thereafter, a friend met with her and asked, “Can you describe your relationship with God by sincerely saying, I love You with all my heart?” A strange look came across her face. She said, “No one has ever asked me that. No, I cannot describe my relationship with God this way. I can say I obey Him, serve Him, worship Him, and fear Him, but I cannot say I love Him.”
This young woman had a father who never told her he loved her. She feared her father, but didn’t love him. This young lady had wrongly assumed God was the same kind of Father. A friend tenderly explained God loved her and desired to have loving fellowship with her. This truth set this young lady free to experience the love of her Heavenly Father. Everything in this woman’s life was out of order because God’s basic purpose for her life was missing. If you cannot describe your relationship with God by saying you love Him with all your being, you need to ask the Holy Spirit to bring you into this kind of relationship.